Effects of Sex Dolls and Robots and the Healthy Collection Practices


Highly realistic sex dolls have become a popular item for collectors. While there are benefits to pursuing this hobby, there are also potential drawbacks that collectors should be aware of. In order to collect these dolls in a healthy way, collectors should self-reflect and maintain rationality and balance.

Ethical Considerations Surrounding the Emergence of Sex Dolls and Robots

The development of sex robots and AI sex dolls has sparked ethical debates, with authors from diverse academic backgrounds holding differing views. Some argue that due to concerns regarding human-robot relationships and sexist objectification, sex robots should not be built or used at all. Others believe that sex robots can have positive impacts on individual and social well-being if designed in an ethical way, taking into account potential harm to humans and robots. This involves protecting advanced sentient robots with robocentric ethics and ensuring explicit consent for sexual interaction. However, there are still unresolved ethical issues, including the controversial topic of robot prostitution, which continue to fuel debate.[Reference 6]

Empirical studies on attitudes towards sex robots

Empirical studies on sex robots are still a relatively new area of research, with only a small number of studies published so far. However, these studies have provided some insight into public attitudes towards sex robots. Most of these studies have been small web-based surveys, using convenience samples of people from the US, Germany, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The results of these surveys have varied, with different rates of sex robot acceptance across different cultures and genders. Interestingly, sexual and relationship satisfaction did not predict sex robot acceptance in any of these studies. Instead, factors like cultural background, gender, attitudes towards robots in general, interest in manga and games, sensation seeking, and shyness appeared to be stronger predictors of sex robot acceptance. However, due to the small and non-representative sample sizes used in these studies, their generalizability is quite limited.

Sex robot representations in art and media

Sex robots have also been the subject of many works of art and media, from science fiction novels and movies to television shows and exhibitions. These representations often explore the social and ethical implications of sex robots, from their potential to challenge traditional gender roles and relationships to their potential to be exploited or victimized. Many of these works of fiction feature female sex robots, who are either presented as idealized objects of desire or as autonomous beings seeking independence and agency. Some works, such as the television series Westworld, even depict sex robots as victims of violence and abuse. In contrast, many works of nonfiction media focus on the sexual aspects of human-robot relationships, while fictional works explore emotional intimacy and even procreation between humans and robots. Overall, these works of art and media reveal the complex and often conflicting attitudes that society holds towards sex robots.

Legal regulation of child Sex Dolls and Sex Robots

While Sex Dolls and Sex Robots are still a relatively new technology, the use of child sex dolls/robots is already a subject of concern for many lawmakers and researchers. All of the publications in this category characterize child sex robots as harmful and unethical, and call for their legal prohibition. Several countries, including the US, have already passed legislation banning child sex robots. While some have speculated about the potential therapeutic uses of child sex robots, such as for treating pedophiles, most researchers agree that such uses would be too risky and should be avoided. Ultimately, the legal and ethical issues surrounding sex robots are likely to continue evolving as the technology advances and more research is conducted.


Appreciation of beauty

Collecting highly realistic adult dolls reflects the human inclination towards appreciating beauty and striving for perfection. These dolls can inspire people to think about body image and aesthetics, promoting a more inclusive perspective and encouraging people to accept themselves and others’ differences. Additionally, these dolls can also represent emotions and relationships between humans, exploring issues such as gender roles and human nature, reflecting people’s pursuit of love and freedom.

Artistic value

Highly realistic sex dolls can be seen as a form of art due to their complex technical and fine craftsmanship in the production process. The production of these dolls requires high technical and innovative abilities, promoting the technical and creative levels of artists and designers who make them. At the same time, the presentation of these dolls can also promote progress and development in technology and innovation, becoming a form of art and technology integration.

the presentation of these dolls can also promote progress and development in technology and innovation, becoming a form of art and technology integration

The presentation of these dolls can also promote progress and development in technology and innovation, becoming a form of art and technology integration

Safe haven

Highly realistic adult dolls can provide a safe haven in the real world, allowing people to find comfort in a doll world that they may not be able to find in reality.


Substituting desires

Collecting highly realistic love dolls can become a substitute for desires in the real world.


The appeal of dolls is rooted in our desire to control the world around us, which can lead to a need to escape reality by controlling dolls.

Collectors of highly realistic sex dolls should self-reflect and maintain rationality and balance. It is important to recognize that these dolls are just objects and should not replace interpersonal relationships or genuine emotional connections. Collectors should avoid excessive investment in their collections and not view them as their entire life, but rather seek other interests and social activities to maintain their psychological and social health.

Tips for Collecting Highly Realistic Sex Dolls in a Healthy Way:

Clarify purpose:

Collectors should clarify their purpose for collecting these dolls to ensure that this interest does not affect their daily social and psychological health.

Self-reflection and self-control

Collectors can ask themselves whether they need a new doll to meet some internal need or whether they already have enough dolls. In this case, they can try to control their behavior and avoid excessive collection to maintain rationality and balance.

Connect with other collectors

Collectors can connect with other collectors, share their interests, and build a social network. This can help alleviate loneliness while providing useful information and advice for collectors.

Maintain social activities

Collectors can try to participate in social activities and build relationships with others. This can help them maintain a connection with the real world and reduce their dependence on dolls.

Understand purpose and values

Collectors can ask themselves why they collect these sex dolls and how this hobby affects their values. This can help them better understand themselves and develop corresponding measures.

Seek professional help

If collectors find that their doll collecting is having a negative impact on their daily life and social activities, they can consider seeking professional psychological counseling or therapy to help them understand and deal with their emotional and behavioral problems.

In summary, collectors of highly realistic sex dolls should start by understanding their own needs and values, try to find appropriate ways to meet these needs, while maintaining rationality and balance, to avoid getting caught up in extreme doll collecting that can negatively affect their daily social and psychological health.

Roadmap for Future Research on Sex Dolls and Sex Robots

Sex dolls and sex robots are still relatively new fields of research, and there is much that we do not know about their design, use, and effects. Here are some recommendations for future research projects on sex dolls and sex robots:

  1. Analyzing Public Debates and Media Representations

There is a need for more scholarly analysis of public debates about and media representations of sex dolls and sex robots. These debates often shape public opinions and influence research activity, but they are often polarized and dramatic, ignoring the fact that sex dolls and sex robots may have only small and/or ambivalent effects. Social media, in particular, offer more nuanced views, but there are also misogynistic comments that welcome female sex robots as substitutes for women.

  1. Advancing Research on Sexual Uses of Human-Like Material Artifacts

Research on the sexual uses of human-like material artifacts needs to be advanced and connected to research on human-like digital artifacts. The right degree and mixture of materiality and virtuality is an open question for research and design, as the materiality of dolls and robots creates boundaries that may limit their users’ sexual and social experiences.

  1. Gathering Empirical Data on Actual Sex Doll and Sex Robot Users and Uses

There is an urgent need for empirical data on actual sex doll and sex robot users and uses. Different study designs and data collection methods can be used to gather information about their experiences, rather than relying solely on imagined or visually depicted artifacts as stimulus material.

  1. Theoretical Elaboration of Human-Sex Doll/Sex Robot Relations and their Consequences

The degree of theoretical elaboration of human-sex doll/sex robot relations and their consequences is not yet very high. A more thorough understanding of these relationships would benefit from theoretical concepts from related research fields on dolls, robots, sexuality, gender relations, well-being, and health, including social psychology, clinical and developmental psychology, and sexuality research.

Overall, further research is needed to develop a better understanding of the effects of sex dolls and sex robots on human sexuality and social behavior. By addressing these research gaps, we can gain insight into these new technologies and their implications for society.


  1. Zhang, X., & Gao, Y. (2019). A study on the impact of sex doll on social psychology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Design and Mechanics Power, 38-41. (Conference proceeding available through the publisher’s website)
  2. Kolla, B. P., Mansukhani, M. P., Schneier, F. R., & Davis, A. R. (2019). Compulsive sexual behavior and its relationship to internet addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and substance use disorder. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(10), 98. doi:10.1007/s11920-019-1082-4
  3. Bélanger, C., & Lapierre, S. (2013). Loneliness and substance abuse: The role of social skills. Addictive Behaviors, 38(11), 2868-2875. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.06.019
  4. Ojanen, T. T., Boelema, S. R., & Pasanen, M. (2017). The ties that bind: Collectors, collections and collecting. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 20(1), 3-14. doi:10.1177/1367877915590636
  5. Goffman, E. (1961). Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Anchor Books. (Book available through various retailers)
  6. Nicola Döring, Prof Dr, M Rohangis Mohseni, Dr, and Roberto Walter, MA (2020).Design, Use, and Effects of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots: Scoping Review (J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jul; 22(7): e18551. )